The BIBO adventure


Épis secs d'épeautre

Drinks like no other

We offer drinks that meet consumer expectations and the needs of our planet.

After multiple tested recipes, failed combinations and liters of drinks ingested, we found the first subtle combinations that delighted our taste buds and gave birth to BIBO.

Our terroirs have better to offer than drinks that travel around the world

In the land of gastronomy, bread, wine, spirits and tableware, why do we often finish our meals with a cup of coffee or tea? Our terroirs have something more to offer than drinks whose ingredients travel at least 5,000 kilometers before reaching us.

Coffee and tea production volumes have doubled in volume over the last 20 years. Meanwhile, coffee and tea plants are affected by intensive agricultural practices and by global warming which threatens their natural environment. Ultimately, the environmental and social impact of their production and daily consumption is not sustainable.

  • Logo Bibo Noir
  • Drink (Latin bĭbo, bĭbī, -ere)

    In a globalized world where our drinks travel more than we do, BIBO is inspired by our French roots to bring meaning to this vital action whose importance and impact we too often forget.

Personne préparant une tasse du mélange l'Original

Benjamin, founder of BIBO

Passionate about agricultural issues and after studying them at Imperial College London, Benjamin discovered those of coffee production and set out to find solutions.

Drawing on his personal history and in particular his childhood spent in the Limousin countryside, Benjamin wants to make his contribution with BIBO to healthy and sustainable development and consumption patterns.

Learn more

Made in New Aquitaine

It is in Libourne, in the heart of the Bordeaux vineyards that BIBO was born!

We set up our workshop there and since then, there has been a wind of renewal in French drinking culture.

Sachet du mélange l'Original et prix remportés


KisskissBioBio-Naturalia 2022 winner

Winner of the Gabriel Prize - Live for Good 2022

Winner of the PEPITE prize - BPIFrance 2022

1st CSR prize, Vintages of creation 2022

1st prize for entrepreneurship from the University of Bordeaux 2022

Favorite price, Agenda 21 de Gironde

Basque Culinary Center prize finalist